Foster Information

Foster families provide temporary care for rescued dogs that we have accepted for placement in a permanent home. Feedback from the foster helps us determine what type of home your foster dog needs. Your responsibilities would normally include providing a loving environment for your foster dog, obtaining any necessary veterinary care from our approved veterinarians ( all veterinary costs are covered by Happy Tails), and providing basic obedience training. People decide to foster for a variety of reasons. We accept all different types of foster homes and welcome the opportunity to help you learn more. It is preferred that all of our foster homes have a fenced yard, but it is not required. As a foster home, you can decide how often you want to foster and which dogs you are willing to foster (age, gender, etc.). As you can imagine, not every dog is perfect when they come to our rescue. We vet them, have them spayed or neutered, and give them guidance where they have lacked in the past. The biggest issue our dogs typically have is the need for human contact. Most get along with kids, cats, and other dogs. Most are housetrained or catch on quickly. Many are obedience and crate-trained. The nice part about fostering dogs is the fact that they learn so quickly and are so eager to please. A little guidance, a lot of love, and a warm home are typically all they needed to be good dogs. We are a 100% volunteer organization and we have a great foster community. Other foster homes are always willing to offer advice when someone has a question. A lot of our volunteers have been doing this for years and there is always someone to help. Some dogs are given descriptions such as undisciplined, chews everything I own, barks all the time, etc. and with some love and attention, they become the most well-behaved and loyal dogs.